Crime in Cornwall, by Emma Dakin

Crime in Cornwall, Emma Dakin, British Book Tour, Mystery
Paperback: $15.95
ISBN: 97816038160990
eBook: $5.99

Crime in Cornwall, by Emma Dakin

Claire Barclay is enthusiastic about her British Mystery Book Tour business. She enjoys taking her guests, usually from America, to the settings of mystery novels where bodies are long dead. Her neighbor’s plea for help to deal with a recently murdered well-known author unsettles her. She leaves the body to the police and takes her guests to Cornwall, including a British tourist who is far too interested in the dead author.

She can’t avoid the murder investigation because her lover Mark is the detective with the Major Investigations Team examining the death. The dead author set his mystery in Cornwall, and Claire’s learns more about the murder as the people of Cornwall talk to her. She begins to understand the independent nature of the Cornish people and the conflict of the traditional smuggling ethos with the tragedy of modern-day drug smuggling trade. Claire’s reluctant sense of justice for the murdered man demands action, so she sets out to find who is responsible.

Crime in Cornwall is the second book in the British Book Tour Mystery series.

Emma Dakin lives in Gibsons on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia where she enjoys the seals, whales, mergansers, eagles and wildlife of the ocean and where she is an enthusiastic, if somewhat amateur, violinist. She has over twenty-five trade published books of mystery and adventure for teens and middle-grade children and non-fiction for teens and adults. Her love of the British countryside and villages and her addiction to cozy mysteries now keep her writing about characters who live and work in those villages. She introduces readers to the problems that disturb that idyllic setting.

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