My Wayward Lady, by Evelyn Richardson

My Wayward Lady. Evelyn Richardson, Regency, Romance, Reprint
Paperback: $15.95
ISBN: 9781603812047
eBook: $4.99

My Wayward Lady , by Evelyn Richardson

Lovely Lady Harriet Farehem doesn’t mind risking a scandal that could ruin her and destroy her sister’s chances of making a brilliant marriage by being seen at London’s most select establishment of fashionable impures. Discovering a former servant among them, she promises to instruct the young women who work there, determined that nothing will stop her from her task until she meets Lord Alistair Chalfont.

Suddenly, Harriet’s world is thrown into disarray as she finds herself in this dashing soldier’s arms wondering what this dashing rake will do next and how she will respond.

Evelyn Richardson fell in love with the Regency period when she first discovered “Pride and Prejudice” stuck at home on a snow day in junior high school.  She has followed that interest through college (where she wrote her honors thesis on Fanny Burney) and graduate school, and continues to indulge herself with membership in the American Society for Eighteenth Century studies and writing Regency set historical novels.

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