When We Meet Again, by Carla Kelly

Paperback: $16.95
ISBN: 978-1-68492-016-7
eBook: $6.99

When We Meet Again, by Carla Kelly

If you must fight a war, make it good one, so you can entertain admiring children and grandchildren years in the future.

But what if your World War II stories are nothing more glamorous than an aircraft factory in boring Kansas, or a sugar beet farm in Southeast Wyoming?

In “All My Love,” readers find Women’s Army Corps Private Veronica Green stuck at a desk job with North American Aviation in Kansas City, Kansas. This wasn’t the war she wanted (the one the army recruiter promised), until she meets Master Sergeant Ernie Brown, a Military Policeman too soon reassigned to Belgium in time for the fierce Battle of the Bulge.

But really, no one falls in love after one kiss. Surely she can forget him.

In “Yet I Will Love Him,” war widow Audrey Allerton has returned home to her father’s sugar beet farm in Southeast Wyoming. It’s a good place to heal, far away from war.

To Audrey’s dismay, war is just down the road at a new POW camp. Equally awful, the camp is full of pilots who were part of Rommel’s storied Afrika Korps, the kind of monsters who shot down Ed’s plane.

To make matters worse, the prisoners have been assigned to area farms, her father’s among them, to provide desperately needed labor. She vows to stay far away from them.

Can she? Or will these hated men turn into real people? Case in point: Former Lufthansa pilot Gerd Gauss, an Austrian forced to join the Luftwaffe or be shot. He lost a wife and infant son during Allied night bombing over Hamburg.

Gerd’s loss is no less tragic than hers. It’s a hard truth to realize that wars have two sides.


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