Mistress of London, by Evelyn Richardson

Price: $15.95
ISBN: 978-1-942078-94-4
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Regency Romance

Mistress of London, by Evelyn Richardson

Julian, Earl of Linton, wealthy shipping magnate, had returned from India to take up the law to right the wrongs that his hard-won fortune had not been able to fix.   The owner and mistress of London’s most exclusive and expensive seraglio was just the sort of person he wanted to punish for victimizing unfortunate and helpless women to whom he hoped to dedicate his career, except that brilliant, beautiful, inscrutable Helen Gerrard was not what he had suspected, nor was he prepared for the instant attraction and admiration she inspired in him.

Helen Gerrard had won her independence and control over her life the hard way.  As a penniless governess she had been victim of her employer’s brutality and then tossed off without recommendation as recompense for losing her virginity and her self-respect, and she vowed never again to allow anyone to have power over her person or her destiny, until she met crusading barrister, Lord Linton.  She had thrown him out of her establishment once already for questioning her character and her motives, and she was bound and determined he would never cross her threshold again until events forced her to admit that she desperately needed a clever barrister.

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