The Judas Codex, by Mark Everett Stone

The Judas Codex, by Mark Everett Stone Blaine Deschamps has succeeded Julian as head of the all-powerful family known as the Sicarii, the fearsome descendants of Judas, the apostle who betrayed Christ for thirty pieces of silver. These silver coins became a powerful artifact known as The Silver, giving the Sicarii an edge in the…

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The Judas Line, by Mark Everett Stone, 2nd Edition

The Judas Line, by Mark Everett Stone Jude Oliver hails from a long line of assassins. Tired of his family’s treachery and wanting more from life than power, he escapes with their secret weapon, the Silver—an ancient artifact so potent, so evil, that it could plunge mankind into a permanent state of ruin and despair.…

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Gypsy Baron, by Mary Daheim

Gypsy Baron, by Mary Daheim Darkly handsome Stefan Dvorak, Baron Ostrov, is the son of a gypsy and a venerable but disgraced Bohemian nobleman. Though educated at Oxford and welcomed by King James’s court, Stefan is a wanderer by nature and not inclined to take love seriously. But he has never met anyone like the…

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Destiny’s Pawn, by Mary Daheim

Destiny’s Pawn, by Mary Daheim Topaz-eyed, tawny-haired Morgan Todd of Faux Hall is on the verge of glorious womanhood. Though sent to England’s King Henry VIII’s court as a lady-in-waiting on Queen Anne Boleyn, Morgan has one unwavering desire: to be reunited with the man she loves, Sean O’Connor. But Sean, a Catholic, is not…

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